Monday, March 7, 2011

Dasher - Writing faster than the onscreen keyboard

This has nothing to do with gaming but it might help a few people. - Dasher1.jpgI want to introduce the program Dasher, it's a new approach to writing without a keyboard. You might ask why not using an on-screen keyboard? Because it's slow.

User requirements: You have to be able to move a mouse, head mouse or eye tracker.

Who can benefit from Dasher? People who can't move their hands, who can't use a speech recognition because of speaking disabilities, who want to write in a language their speech recognition doesn't support. And if you need assistance 24/7 you have limited privacy; if you use your speech recognition anyone around you overhears what you are writing. Using Dasher you can write faster than using the on-screen keyboard and you can write without being overheard. - Dasher3Control.jpgHow does it work? When you start Dasher you see a large square which includes squares of each letter of the alphabet and a square with the capitalized letters. Now if you wanna write "hello" you point in the direction of the H square, within that square you have another alphabet where you point to the letter E, in the next alphabet you point to L etc.

Once you get used to it you can add squares with numerals and punctuation. - Dasher2Lang.jpgAt the top you see your text.

You can change the writing speed manually or you can let the program adapt itself, in the latter case Dasher gets faster the less mistakes you make and vice versa

It has built-in words and phrases prediction.

You can add dictionaries of any language, a dictionary is a text file with a text in your desired language.

The more you use the program the more it learns how you write.

And here's a video on how Dasher works.  

Dasher is available here:
The Dasher Project